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Design & Engineering

Design .. Manufacture .. Achieve



Engineering the future 

Design . Manufacture . Achieve 

summarizes our vision

In today's ever-evolving industry, technical capability is a high-priced commodity. DMA Design and Engineering was born to serve industry. With over 26 years experience in production machining and the tooling industry, we cross obstacles that would normally delay or prevent our clients from achieving their goals.

In addition to skill erosion some companies lack the resources to permanently hire professionals capable of enhancing and improving their machining and design capabilities to improve output. DMA Design and Engineering overcomes these limiting factors and enables our clients to achieve their goals without the need to train and employ multiple resources to achieve tangible results

As a result of constant improvement to technical abilities and skillset we utilize international best practice disciplines and technique's to assist our clients with achieving their set goals. 


DMA is delighted to be there to lighten your load.


Our Services

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Product Design

Expert guidance

Providing quality, reliable, aesthetic, and functional designs to clients is our goal.

Innovative materials and surface engineering is at the core of what we do.

Designed with manufacturing capability and simplicity in mind.

We can help you develop new products, redesign and optimize existing products, reverse engineer imported products, and bring your project and vision to life!

Mold & Die Design

Production Excellence

Where quality, reliability and repeatability is the key to output in a production environment. Mold design is essential to the success and profitability of a business.

The output volume can be configured to meet the demands of our clients, whether high, medium, or low.

Specializing in Plastic injection & Blow molding our services include Press tools, jigs fixtures, casting molds and engineering tooling

Reverse Engineering

Focus on Sustainability

The services we provide are tailored to the individual needs of each client. We work collaboratively throughout the process and guarantee measurable results.


Worn out machine components?

Broken down parts?

No engineering drawings to ensure manufacture of tooling components? 

Let DMA solve this Manufacturing

stumbling block!

No Machining resources or Capabilities?

DMA will solve this through our network

of manufacturing and machining experts!

3D solid modeling with 3D assemblies ensure accuracy and identifies problematic areas that can be optimized for longer lifespan and product repeatability and Machinability.

2D fully detailed engineering drawings ensure that fine technical details are recorded, stored and transferable.

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Computer Aided Machining (CAM) Programming

A Comprehensive Approach

With industry 4.1 moving towards remote programing automation and a ever changing industrial environment. Programing skill and prowess needs to be on point to ensure effective machining principles keep manufacturing running flawlessly.

Using best practice machining Principles to ensure profitable manufacturing we strive to offer a service that excites our clients.

CNC programs are fully detailed with setup instructions and recommendations for optimal machining.

  • Improve your manufacturing output with expert CNC machining programming.

  • Improve your setup and machining processes with expert consulting.

  • Lowering manufacturing costs with optimized tool live cycles and reduced machining times. 

Rapid prototyping
(Additive manufacturing)

Bringing your Concept to Life

In a highly competitive industrialized environment rapid prototyping is a key component for success.

Manufacturing components, parts and products to verify functionality and purpose can be a costly, time consuming and in many instances a limiting factor in getting projects completed or even started.

Additive manufacturing Bridges these limiting factors by

  •  Ensuring Correct design intent

  • Dimensions can be verified and physically checked

  •  Ensuring assembly requirements are achieved

  • Ensuring functionality of component's and products

  • Enables rapid manufacture of components that can be assembled and tested on various scales. 

The applications and functions of rapid prototyping is extremely diverse.

By having an actual product/component to present in a project meeting, reduces the need to explain the design intent of 2D or 3D drawings.

Let DMA assist you in bringing your vision to life!


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Planning Architect

Project planning

If successful, new projects can add value and opportunities to an organization, leading to strong, long-lasting business relationships. 

There can be times when projects can have the opposite effect, becoming a painful and tedious process that can lead to a loss of confidence and even business.

The simple fact is that this can easily be avoided through resource identification, implementation and establishing the critical path early. 


With 26 years of experience in the manufacturing and tooling industries, DMA's expert planning skills ensure the correct approach and execution of projects, which ensures that our clients achieve their goals efficiently.

Want to learn more about my services?

Get in touch today and see what we can offer you.

Contact Me

45 Moepel Street
Dalpark ext 5

083 456 7411

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083 456 7411

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©2021 by DMA Design & Engineering. 

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