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More About DMA

What You Need

Fast Cycling Through hardened fully located Mould

Companies  and Industry realize the massive shifts occurring with in the Engineering, manufacturing and R&D sectors. 

Due to rapid advances in technology and technical skill required to accomplish set goals, companies easily fall into the trap of delaying or discarding technically challenging projects which can lead to massive growth and expansion.

The erosion of skills is one of the main reasons companies find it extremely challenging to find a single partner who can help them with multiple projects and facets of their day-to-day operations without having to permanently employ multiple human resources.

Industry 4.1 brings along with it the massive opportunity to partner up with a company that is an expert in many of the the required disciplines that companies struggle with daily.

With 26 years of extensive experience in the Tooling, Production machining and manufacturing industry DMA can Identify with clients needs and assist them to achieve their goals with measurable results.

Designing Best in class innovative Products, precision high volume moulds that deliver High quality products consistently and efficiently. Not focusing on the tasks, instead focusing on the desired result ensures we achieve and exceed our client's expectations


Optimized High Speed CNC Toolpath


Effective Productive machining gives clients the abilities to increase output, lowering cost of manufacturing and full utilization of resource capabilities.

There is just not enough time to have a operator/programmer struggling to improve processes and application.....Production needs to flow consistently and effectively.

This is where Industry 4.1 has some of the biggest advantages in the engineering machining sector!

Technology now allows companies to have access to an expert service provider in machining, application and processes that can Analyze, Optimize and create new CNC Programs off site.


Fully Detailed  Component Drawing


Fully detailed drawings and assembly drawings of new designs and reverse engineered Parts enable clients access to valuable information, sustainability and repeatability. Digital files can be securely stored and shared along with the solid models.

 Identified Faulty Component Creating Bottle neck's in production


In every factory, machine shop and production facility there is that one or multiple products, assembly, component or machine that just bottle neck the whole system causing unnecessary down time.

Through extensive knowledge of materials, surface engineering and process application DMA analyzes systems and components thoroughly to identify and rectify problematic parts and poor designs.

So Why DMA Designing and Engineering?

A small look in to who I am

Being a second generation toolmaker I grew up with unprecedented  access to knowledge and application.

Evenings laying on the carpet watching my father analyzing and correcting large A0 engineering drawings of components, assemblies and products allowed me to ask questions and receive answers I could not yet fully understand. I loved this!

I remember one specific time asking him 

"What profession pays the most?"

and his reply lives with in  me to this day

"whom ever is the best at what they do"

Being a young boy it confused me to the point I never asked the question again, only realizing much later what he meant.

My father always inspired me to be the best I could be and would never volunteer to solve problems for me  instead he would give me the one statement he probably loved the most.

"Look.....just look.....common sense is not common. No one looks....look you will find it"

"Some people will become Bakers and Butchers even Brain surgeons.... where their mistakes can either be eaten or buried....A Toolmaker has to fix his and many times others"

J C Engelbrecht

I was further encouraged by statements like these during school holidays when I had the opportunity to travel with and later work with my father.

Seeing impressive machines cutting steel, molding components, bending blanks, and casting products was fascinating.

The whole process of design intent visualizing the product, purposefully designing it to serve its purpose effectively. Ensuring process lite manufacturing to eliminate unnecessary processes, controlling material flow and then faultfinding and rectifying, improving production and processes ..... caused the fascination to turn into a passion.


Realizing that there can be no mass production without Tools, Dies and production machining

I followed in my fathers footsteps.

As a consequence of my passion and the desire to become an industry leader an Expert in my field I have ensured that I grow and develop myself consistently over the years.


Self motivated expansion of knowledge, experience and the constant drive to improve systems, products and operational excellence caused a realization.....

Experience is my inventory

Knowledge is the asset


That the brain is the warehouse

This Is what I offer my clients 

26 years of applied knowledge coupled with 26 years of self improvements to knowledge and technical Skill ensures that:

My inventory of Experience serves my clients

My asset of knowledge serves my clients


That this warehouse is fully stocked and ready to deliver to my clients

083 456 7411

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